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S01E05 2


████    重点词汇
████    难点词汇
████    生僻词
████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:3,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:4,000 ]

Thank you. So you think it should be dusted for prints?
- Yes. And I'll make sure it gets done. - Great.


Boys, stop it! Go to bed!

- We're not tired! - Well, at least go upstairs.

- We want to play! - Look!


Go! Go!

[boys shout]

So why weren't you sitting with Mike? I thought you two were an item.

I sort of thought so too. Getting a lot of mixed signals.

I'll tell you who wasn't giving mixed signals. Sexy Officer Thompson.

- He stared at you all night. - You noticed that?

Honey, trust me, when they're not staring at me, I notice.

I appreciate you guys staying and helping.

Oh, please. I would have hosted it myself

but there's camping equipment everywhere.

It's nice of you.

And there's something else nice that I'd like you to do.

Your kids both went to Barcliff Academy, didn't they?

We need you to recommend Porter and Preston. We can't get an interview.

You want me to recommend the twins?

Yes. You can tell them how beautifully behaved the boys are.

- So you want me to lie? - Yeah. I thought that was understood.

I'm very well respected at Barcliff,

and my word won't be good there any more.

Yes, but by the time they realize their mistake, we'll be in.

You're not having any more kids. What do you care?

I had hoped some day to get my grandchildren into Barcliff.

But I suppose that doesn't matter to you, does it?

It really doesn't.

[Zach] We've got to get rid of it.

- [Paul] I said leave it alone! - No! You can't stop me!

- Paul and Zach are fighting again. - The second time this week.

They never fought when Mary Alice was alive.

It's a shame. They used to be such a happy family.

Just because you didn't hear them fighting, doesn't mean they were happy.

The next day, as residents began to patrol Wisteria Lane

in the hopes of foiling potential burglars,

Gabrielle was about to experience a home invasion of her own.

Mama Solis! What are you doing here?

I came to visit my son and daughter-in-law. What does it look like?

Does Carlos know you're coming?

No. He likes to be surprised.

Now come.

Gabrielle. Come.

Family should always hug...

[whispering] ..regardless of how they feel about each other.

Wow. She's a beauty. 30-footer?


Sweet. I sail. I've got a Flying Scott.

We have several yachting enthusiasts here.

- I could introduce them to you... - That sounds great.

...if we decide to enroll your children.

To be honest, Mr. and Mrs. Scavo,

your children's educational background

is a bit more common than we would prefer.

But Mrs. Van De Kamp said they were identical twins?

Yes. You can't tell them apart. They're like book ends.

We do strive for diversity at Barcliff.

ldentical twins could be interesting.

The boys are fascinating. They even have their own twin secret language.

- Yeah, it's pretty scary. - Not so much scary as highly developed.

Yeah, they bark and growl at each other.

Tom, Mr. Lentz was trying to say something. Go ahead, Mr. Lentz.

I'd love to meet these twins of yours. I tell you what.

I'm going to put them on our''must-meet list''.

- Terrific! - Thank you so much.

- What is a''must-meet list''? - We bring them in for observation.


Mm. To see how they play with the other children, how they respond to authority,

that sort of thing.

- Great. - That sounds wondertul.

- Hey. - Hi!


bye [baɪ] n. 轮空;次要的东西 int. 再见 adj. 次要的 n. (Bye)人名;(挪)比埃;(中)拜(广东话·威妥玛);(英)拜伊;(瑞典)比耶 {zk gk :4072}

patrol [pəˈtrəʊl] n. 巡逻;巡逻队;侦察队 vt. 巡逻;巡查 vi. 巡逻;巡查 {cet6 ky toefl ielts :4183}

terrific [təˈrɪfɪk] adj. 极好的;极其的,非常的;可怕的 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :4237}

sexy [ˈseksi] adj. 性感的;迷人的;色情的 { :4278}

academy [əˈkædəmi] n. 学院;研究院;学会;专科院校 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl :4366}

grandchildren [ɡ'ræntʃɪldrən] n. 孙子;孙(女),外孙(女)( grandchild的名词复数 ) { :4393}

thompson ['tɔmpsn] n. 汤普森(姓) { :4612}

beautifully [ˈbju:tɪfli] adv. 漂亮地;美好地 { :4992}

strive [straɪv] vi. 努力;奋斗;抗争 {cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :5062}

enthusiasts [ɪn'θju:zɪæsts] 热心人 热衷者 狂热者( enthusiast的复数 ) { :5709}

bark [bɑ:k] n. (Bark)人名;(英、西、德、捷、法、芬、瑞典)巴克;(阿拉伯、俄)巴尔克 n. 树皮;深青棕色;毛皮;皮肤;狗叫 vt. 狗叫;尖叫;剥皮 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :5831}

mama ['mæmə] n. 妈妈(口语) n. (Mama)人名;(多哥、赞、贝宁)马马 { :6423}

foiling ['fɔɪlɪŋ] n. 叶形饰 v. 挫败,使受挫折( foil的现在分词 ) { :6713}

burglars [ˈbə:ɡləz] n. 窃贼( burglar的名词复数 ); 破门盗窃者; 破门盗贼; 小偷 { :7271}

growl [graʊl] n. 咆哮声;吠声;不平 vt. 咆哮;(雷电,炮等)轰鸣 vi. 咆哮着说 {cet6 ielts gre :8237}

yachting [ˈjɒtɪŋ] n. 游艇;帆船运动;快艇 v. 驾快艇(yacht的ing形式) adj. 驾游艇的;爱好帆船运动的 { :17153}

wisteria [wɪˈstɪəriə] n. 紫藤;柴藤 { :24567}

-footer ['futə] comb.form 表示“高…英尺的人”,“长…英尺的东西”[用于带连词号的复合词]:six-footer

daughter-in-law ['dɔ:tər ɪn lɔ:] n. 儿媳妇

gimme [ˈgɪmi] n. 贪心,贪婪 adj. 贪得无厌的 vt. 等于give it to me

lentz [ ] [人名] 伦茨

a beauty [ ] [网络] 美人;一个美人;一位美人

be honest [bi: ˈɔnist] [网络] 诚实;要诚实;老实说

educational background [ˌedʒəˈkeɪʃənəl ˈbækɡraund] n. 学历 [网络] 教育背景;教育程度;教育情况

for observation [ ] [网络] 观察

for print [ ] [网络] 装配夹具数字化设计制造

get rid [ ] 摆脱;排除;处理掉

get rid of [ɡet rid ɔv] na. 除掉;摆脱;撵走 [网络] 除去;去掉;处理掉

gets rid of [ ] na. 除掉;摆脱;撵走 [网络] 扔掉

getting rid of [ ] na. 甩掉;摆脱;把…赶走 [网络] 这一家正在灭鼠;去除暴安良

go upstairs [ ] v. 上楼 [网络] 去楼上;爬楼梯;上楼去

growl at [ ] [网络] 对…狂吠;咆哮

home invasion [ ] 入室行窃

identical twin [aiˈdentikəl twin] n. 单卵性双胞胎之一(性别相同,外貌相似) [网络] 同卵双生;同卵双胞胎;全等双生

identical twins [ ] n. “identical twin”的复数 [网络] 同卵双胞胎;同卵双生;同卵双生子

it's a shame [ ] [网络] 真遗憾;真丢人;很可惜

mixed signal [ ] [网络] 混合讯号;混合信号;混合测试

of yours [ ] 你(们)的;属于你(们)的

regardless of [riˈɡɑ:dlis ɔv] prep. 不管;不顾;不理会 [网络] 不论;无论;不注意

rid of [ ] [网络] 摆脱;消除;使去掉

secret language [ ] (秘)密语(言),黑话

strive for [ ] v. 争取;奋发图强;收下 [网络] 为…而奋斗;为…奋斗;力求

to be honest [tu: bi: ˈɔnist] [网络] 老实说;说实话;说实在的

to enroll [ ] [网络] 报名;注册;予以注册

to get rid of [ ] [网络] 只要能摆脱……就行;干掉;摈除

to recommend [ ] [网络] 推荐;大家推荐;推荐方法

would prefer [ ] [网络] 希望;宁愿;更喜欢

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
* 词汇量测试建议用